DDI Manager

Our DDI Managers are a suite of disease specific drug-drug interaction checkers designed to enhance patient safety. The comprehensive and up-to-date managers with access to full pharmacological databases will alert you to potential interactions and protect your patients from adverse drug events.

We currently offer 4 specialized DDI managers with even more in the pipeline!

Why choose our DDI Manager?

This platform is not just a DDI checker; it is a comprehensive DDI manager. It contains expert-led and verified drug-drug interaction information and serves as a learning platform for healthcare professionals to bridge the gap created by inadequate DDI management.

These novel managers enable healthcare professionals to swiftly screen for disease specific potential drug interactions, ultimately streamlining and optimizing patient care. In addition, our DDI managers provide tailored advice on how to manage DDIs if they occur.

Choose this tool to enjoy:

  • a user-friendly interface
  • easy to use platform with immediate results
  • trusted source of information free from bias
  • niche market offerings with a disease specific focus
  • information verified by top scientific experts prior to upload
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How does

DDI Manager work?

DDI Resources